Rabindranath Tagore Was Born In 1869 In A Well To Do And Talented
Family In Bengal. He Was An Outstanding Poet, Who Won Nobel Prize For
Literature In 1913. Tagore Is Also Known For His Short Stories ,Plays And
Essays. He Was Innovator In The Field Of Education And Founded SHANTI NIKETAN.
During The Nationalist Movement And Struggle For India’s
Independence Tagore Emerged As A Great Thinker
He Visited To England At The Age Of 17 For A Period Of 2 Years Gave
Women Exposure To Western Culture And Life He Saw The White Gulf
Between The Social Conditions And Gender Equations Of The Two
Countries. Some Of His Writing Raise Issue About The Position Of Women
In Indian Society , Education Of The Girl Child , Child Marriage And The
Plight Of Women In A Male Dominated Society
The exercise book
The very first sentence of this short story highlights the attitude of the family
towards the girl child. Girls were not expected to be educate in Tagore time.
Little girl was considered a trouble some person by her family when she started
learning how to write she scribbled on every wall of the house with a piece of coal
words from a Bengali nursery rhyme finding a copy of the novel Haridas secrets
she wrote a Pahras ‘Black water red flower’ on every page
she wrote on the pages of family almanac as well as in her father accounts book.
One day uma made the mistake of writing on her brother gobindlal essays.
Govindlal used to frequently write for newspapers.for this Uma's brothers beat
her and then took away from her writing tools . Uma deeply hurt and humiliated
After a period of time govindlal return her writing tools and also gifted her an
exercise book. Uma was married off at the tender age of 9 with Pyare Mohan who
was a friend and literary associate of her brother. Child marriage was up
prominent social level of the time.
Writing the exercise book became a source of creative self expressions
for uma. One day Uma's three sister in law observed her through crack
in the door when she was writing .
Saraswati, who was Uma's sister in law, told Pyare Mohan about Uma.
Pyare Mohan did not like to read the girls' writing. Pyare Mohan
scolded and threatened Uma a lot and told her not to do it again. Uma
did not write in her exercise book for a long time.
One day a beggar women singing and ‘Agamani’ song a traditional Bengali song
called 'agamani’ uma was so influence to the song and secretly calling the
singer into her room she wrote down the words of the song in her exercise
book her sister-in-law again observed what she was doing and told to her
husband about it. pyare Mohan took a very serious view of what she was did
in his view it was offence. He snatched the exercise book from her and him
related the little girl by mockingly reading aloud from it while his three sisters laughed.